Our Ethos and Values
The values, ethos and vision of Crookesbroom Primary Academy reflect those of Delta Academies Trust.
We are an academy that:
➢ Places the health, safety, welfare and well-being of every member of the school community at the centre of everything it undertakes.
➢ Challenges, supports and encourages everyone to do their best, building self-confidence in students in all aspects of their lives.
➢ Has high expectations for individuals: both students and staff.
➢ Encourages collective responsibility around improving aspiration, attainment and positive behaviours for its students, staff and the wider community.
➢ Is a caring school, based on social responsibility, honesty, equality and consideration for others ➢ Promotes and achieves success, both collectively and with individual students and staff. Encourages self-help, self-determination and self-improvement.
➢ Promotes inclusion, by collaborative working within the academy and equally with outside agencies and partners. ➢ Expects courtesy and co-operation, where enterprise, initiative and transformation affect every area of academy learning and academy life.
➢ Is at the centre of its community; a vibrant and welcoming venue, acting as a resource and a catalyst to community and individual growth.
At Crookesbroom Primary Academy, we strive to promote an inclusive, welcoming learning environment where all members of the school community feel safe, valued and respected. We aim to develop independence, individuality and the confidence to take risks through challenging learning opportunities. We will provide access to inspiring and motivating learning experiences ensures that all are able to flourish and achieve their potential. Our academy aims to be an integral part of the wider community, which values, enriches and provides diverse opportunities for all. In an ever-changing world, we aim to equip pupils with the skills to succeed and take their place as caring responsible citizens of the future.