Building resilience in children and teens
Helping our children build resilience and confidence is one of the most important gifts we can give them. We all understand how life can bring you many challenges throughout and how important it is on how we manage this. Resilience is being able to manage stress, challenges, trauma or adversity that life brings and bounce back from it. When children and teens are resilient, they are going to be more confident, curious and adaptable to the world around them.
The link below is full of advice, tips and support.
Reading Plus
Reading Plus is an adaptive reading programme. It improves fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, stamina, and motivation. The link below will take your child to the log in page.
Emile is the app we use for both times tables and spellings – it is ready and downloaded on every child’s tablet. There are prizes in our celebration assembly for children who achieve the most each week.
Our children all have the Duolingo app on their tablets – this is a fun way to practise Spanish and any other language that takes their fancy! iVamos!
Purple Mash
Purple Mash is a cloud-based platform for primary-aged children. It contains a wide range of age-appropriate, creative software tools for writing, drawing, coding, animating, blogging and much more. The link below will take your child to the log in page.